HID Omnikey 5127 CK Mini CCID (Chip Card Interface Device) & Keyboard Wedge Reader Board

Sale price$174.90


HID Omnikey 5127CK Mini Reader. Optional Omnikey 5127CK reader board Developer Tool Kit (DTK) available that provides the necessary tools, documentation and developer resources to shorten integration cycle.

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The OMNIKEY® 5127CK Chip Card Interface Device (CCID) enables integrators to design finished readers without the need to install or maintain drivers, eliminating complex software lifecycle management issues in the field and accelerating the time to market of finished devices. These finished devices are commonly used in printers, copiers, vending machines and access control systems.

With the keyboard wedge functionality, end users of OMNIKEY® 5127CK readers can retrieve data from a card that is presented to the reader and directly input the card data into an application using keystroke emulation. This eliminates the need for customers to manually enter the card data into an application.

Supporting low and high frequency credentials plus HID Mobile Access Solutions via Bluetooth Smart and NFC within a single product, the OMNIKEY 5127CK-Mini enables seamless migration in mixed technology environments.

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